Week 2 days 2/3 still snowing

Well, day 2 kicked off with more BJJ at the advanced class. Nothing too strenuous, probably only got into the fat burning zone ref cardio since it was all technique.

Day three

09:00. It was snowing. Still.
I started off at anaerobic pace, the I started to reconsider. It was crispy. It was slidey. By halfway I was thinking about walking til I had that familiar runners belly feeling!
What a motivator! I kept running and ran til I made the toilet!

After that it was the body weight workout, following the same format as before, except this time using a kettle bell for pressups/snatches and I made it a 17-1.

Body was jigged after that and I have to admit I collapsed on the couch about 19:00 for an hour, which I hate doing. My back does feel heavy though
& I’m glad I’m only doing 5miles tomorrow morning at a slow pace and that’s it for the day.

Definitely starting to feel better, sleeps better too. Can see my shoulders coming back, which I expected to come back before anything else really. Large, square,awkward shoulders are a familial trait in the men!

Anyway. No tips today. I’m literally burst.

I’m so burst in going to shorten my tag line to:


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